Tuesday, September 30, 2008

AMP Is Very Bad.

I don't know if many of you have experienced AMP, that wretched drink by Mountain Dew... It seriously messed with me last night. I experienced the shortest highest high I've ever gotten out of a caffeinated beverage, followed by one of the lowest mental crashes I can remember--definitely not what I was aiming for last night. I drank it hoping that I could finish my ENGL210 critique assignment and go to bed, not having to worry about it. I went to the lab last night at about 7:30 hoping to crank it out... but my brain just felt like mud. Futilely I tried to read the article I was supposed to be critiquing, but the AssultCube, World of Warcraft and some other generic World War II FPS that Steve and Adan were playing looked way more exciting. I couldn't concentrate at all.

So I woke up at 6:00 this morning and finished the whole paper in one sitting. Yay!

So... just for future reference, I'll document it here--if only for myself.

AMP is very bad.

I just sent the love of my life off to her new job this morning. She looks so much happier, and I can definitely tell that she's more excited to be going to work. I gave her a kiss and told her to have a good day at her new job. Instead of a sigh, this time I got a smile back. Things are looking up.

The house is clean, and I'm off to school. Looks like English, Web Programming and Old Testament are on the schedule today--nothing too tough.


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